Dylan Thomas "In My Craft or Sullen Art"
Dylan Thomas "The Hand that Signed the Paper"
Ezra Pound, from The Cantos: Notes for CXVII ET SEQ.
(see below)
Djuana Barnes "Transfiguration"
(see below)
Notes for CXVII ET SEQ.
M’amour, m’amour
do I love and
where are you?
That I lost my center
fighting the world.
The dreams clash
and are shattered—
and that I tried to make a paradiso
I have tried to write paradise
Do not move
Let the wind
that is paradise.
Let the Gods forgive what I
have made
Let those I love try to forgive
what I have made.
-Ezra Pound
The prophet digs with iron hands
Into the shifting desert sands.
The insect back to larva goes;
Stuck to the seed the climbing rose.
To Moses’ empty gorge, like smoke
Rush inward all the words he spoke.
The knife of Cain lifts from the thrust;
Abel rises from the dust.
Pilate cannot find his tongue;
Bare the tree where Judas hung.
Lucifer roars up from earth;
Down falls Christ into his death.
To Adam back the rib is plied,
A creature weeps within his side.
Eden’s reach is thick and green;
The forest blows, no beast is seen.
The unchained sun, in raging thirst,
Feeds the last day to the first.